Monday 16 November 2015

Monday 9 November 2015

Belgrade | Best free Wi-Fi cafés to sit & work

Almost all the coffee places in Belgrade have free Wi-Fi access but some are more suitable for bringing a laptop and working a bit during the day. Also, when choosing the right place we want to avoid that feeling of being unwanted with our laptop and papers all over the table. So yes, it's true cafés are not made for that purpose (this especially in Belgrade & Serbia, where coffee sipping culture and long talks have important tradition :D ), but sometimes the atmosphere in cafés is simply more motivating than in libraries, office, or at home. That's why we tried to find places where work can be done in peace and without feeling the urge to leave.

These links will take you to the best suited cafes in Belgrade for doing some work. All the things you need - free Wi-Fi, power outlets (!!!) & working atmosphere - are right there!